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AI-Driven Clinical Trial Pre-Screening by K2 Medical Research, Magruder Eye Institute and RetiSpec

K2 Medical Research, a leading clinical research organization committed to advancing medical science, has partnered with the renowned Magruder Eye Institute and Toronto-based medical AI company, RetiSpec, to redefine Alzheimer’s research through AI-driven technology. The partnership aims to leverage advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technology as a pre-screening tool for clinical trials, with the objective of enhancing trial accessibility and reducing the time associated with recruitment of eligible candidates. The collaboration aims to utilize RetiSpec’s AI technology as a pre-screening tool at Magruder Eye Institute.

Retispec is an OBIO® member, an alumnus of the BDSP™, CAAP®, H2BB™, HealthMINT™ and WiHI programs and presented at the OBIO® Investment Summit.