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Women in the Business of Health Science Bootcamp

Hosted by OBIO’s H2BB Program
March 22 to 29, 2021

OBIO® hosted a one-week Business Bootcamp for women who wanted to be a part of the growing health science industry and were looking to develop the skills for business-oriented roles. The Bootcamp took place between March 22-29, and was available at no cost to eligible applicants.

The Business Bootcamp was a unique opportunity for participants to gain an understanding of the business, operational and project management skills involved in all aspects of running a health science company. Bootcamp participants learned to leverage existing skill sets to secure business roles in the health science industry while

getting a big picture perspective on how the pieces of a business fit together.

What Participants gained from their experience:

Participants were immersed in a fast-paced stimulating environment where they were trained by seasoned professionals on various business areas such as finance, marketing & strategy, business development, project management, operations and more!

Participants also received professional development mentorship, resume and interview coaching, as well as access to OBIO’s Job Board and Talent Network platform where they had the opportunity to connect with health science industry employers. Additionally, participants also had the opportunity to receive additional H2BB training to help fast track their careers.

Who COULD Apply?

To apply, participants had to be unemployed women and:

  • Have a STEM background

  • Be interested in transitioning into a business-oriented role in the health science industry  

  • A resident of Ontario

  • Eligible to work in Canada

Successful candidates were selected on a rolling basis. Enrollment was limited. Selected candidates were contacted for initial screening interviews.